Haunted Homes Across the United States

New England lore is rich with ghost stories and haunted houses. It’s not just New Englanders that love these haunted tales, though, especially during the Halloween season. Haunted houses, in particular, are intriguing because they often hold information that connects to a town or state’s history. From grand mansions to quaint historic houses, there are…

autumn sale

Tips For An Autumn Home Sale

  The fall real estate market can be as hot as the spring market. It’s certainly becoming a close second. What makes fall so appealing to home buyers? Summer vacations have wrapped up; kids head back to school; the holiday season has a few weeks before it officially kicks off; and temperatures, especially in New…

Live in Newburyport’s Historic District

  A visit to downtown Newburyport, Massachusetts’ Historic District could be considered a trip back in time, for some. According to a National Park Service website, it “is one of the last seaport business districts remaining from the golden days of New England shipping1.” Today, the goods and services being sold are different, but the…

Spring’s Supply and Demand

We are all ready for warmer weather, right? However, the days with temperatures over 40 have been scarce. That’s an easy way to look at supply and demand. In this case you end up with a lot of cold, unhappy New Englanders. When supply does not equal demand in real estate, you end up with a…

Gold Medal Homes for the Olympic Dreamer

  Millions of Americans are glued to the coverage of the 2018 Winter Olympics and the amazing athletes competing in PyeongChang. Many of us may even be doing a bit of daydreaming, and imagining ourselves going for the gold. Whether its figure skating, downhill skiing, curling, bobsledding or snowboarding (to name a few winter sports)…