
Seller Confidence Equals Bright Spark For Buyers

  Citing several sources, Keeping Current Matters recent blog post highlights seller confidence in the current real estate market. The post notes, “…we’re seeing sellers slowly starting to come back into the market, a bright spark for potential buyers.” Housing market inventory has remained low compared to the number of buyers seeking to purchase a…


The Charm of an Old Home

  There’s something about an old home? Am I right? Okay, maybe it’s just me! Being born and raised in New England, just outside of Boston to be more specific, older homes have always had a certain appeal. I’ve actually lived in two. My current home, a farmhouse built by a former Portsmouth Shipyard employee…

Homerun House

  The official start of summer is just around the corner. Summer typically brings warmer days and lots of baseball. While we can’t head out to the ballpark right now, for this post we thought it might be fun to take a look inside the home of Boston’s beloved slugger, David Ortiz; who is more…

house buy

Housing Market Brings Hope

  Stay-at-home orders are being lifted, and we are all ready to see the economy rebound. While this will take time as we all navigate the new normal, it will happen; and the housing market seems poised to play a key role. Keeping Current Matters (KCM) has posted several recent blogs citing economists that tout…

Buying a Home Sight Unseen

  Instead of focusing on current real estate news this week, we looked back a ways, and found an article that could prove very helpful if you are moving forward with your plan to buy a home this year. There are often times buyers cannot visit a home, especially now when sellers may not be…

Going on a Virtual House Hunt

  Your plan had been to buy a house this year. You saved and planned, and maybe even started your search. Then everything changed in the blink of an eye. Now in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, you are wondering if you should put your plans on hold or continue your search. has…

Right Time for a Deep Spring Cleaning

  When spring arrives, especially in New England, we are all ready to open our houses back up and let in the fresh air. This is true now more than ever. Spring also brings the task of “spring cleaning.” We may all be thinking that we’ll make this year’s task more of a deep clean.…

Fed Rate Cut vs. Mortgage Rates

  Last week, in our Journey Home newsletter we included our first, of hopefully many more, Partner Corner section. This Partner Corner featured content shared by RMS Mortgage on their social page about the fed rate cut and what this means for mortgage rates. Something that confused many, including me I’ll admit. Our friends at…