Spring’s Supply and Demand

We are all ready for warmer weather, right? However, the days with temperatures over 40 have been scarce. That’s an easy way to look at supply and demand. In this case you end up with a lot of cold, unhappy New Englanders. When supply does not equal demand in real estate, you end up with a…

Gold Medal Homes for the Olympic Dreamer

  Millions of Americans are glued to the coverage of the 2018 Winter Olympics and the amazing athletes competing in PyeongChang. Many of us may even be doing a bit of daydreaming, and imagining ourselves going for the gold. Whether its figure skating, downhill skiing, curling, bobsledding or snowboarding (to name a few winter sports)…

Packaging & Pricing Your Home to Sell

  We’ve all checked our homes estimated value on Zillow or realtor.com. Each site calculates this amount differently and for those of you thinking of listing your home this year, you may be wondering, “What is my home really worth?” Any Realtor® will tell you to take online estimates with a grain of salt. Pricing…

2018 Real Estate Goal: Start Planning

It’s a new year. While we’ll all take some time to reflect on 2017, there’s no denying that 2018 is in full swing. If you are thinking of buying a home or selling your home this year, start planning now. It appears we’ll see very little change in the real estate forecast for buyers and…

Tips to Give Holiday Décor a Refresh

  Are you decorating for the holiday and feeling a bit tired of the same old trimmings and trappings? I rummage through my holiday decorations every year and think about giving my décor a refresh. Yes, there are some time-honored pieces I could not part with. For example, the ceramic, hand-painted holiday house my mom…

Prep Your Home For The Holiday Rush

November is here. Before we know it we’ll be welcoming guests for the holidays and celebrating with family and friends. There’s no better time than the present to get your home ready for the holiday season, and prepare for winter as well. According to realtor.com’s recent video post, there are several home maintenance tasks you’ll…