The Perfect Season to Daytrip

With prices on everything from gas to food to lodging on the rise, many will be opting for easy day trips from home to save money this summer. If you are planning to be frugal when it comes to vacation plans and need some inspiration, here are a few of our favorite spots to explore.…

For Housing Market, Spring Is In The Air

  This past weekend, we celebrated the first day of spring with warmer temps and sunny days. Typically, spring marks the hottest time for the housing market. The temperature is not the only thing continuing to rise, however. Homeowners are also seeing major gains in home equity according to a recent Infographic produced by Keeping…

Get Outside…Safely

With warmer weather and thoughts of COVID-19 restrictions loosening in the coming weeks, we are all eager to get outside. While safety guidelines for outdoor activities will remain in place, there will be opportunities to enjoy the outdoors safely. These will include wearing face masks, washing hands and social distancing. Things we are all familiar…