Get Outside…Safely

With warmer weather and thoughts of COVID-19 restrictions loosening in the coming weeks, we are all eager to get outside. While safety guidelines for outdoor activities will remain in place, there will be opportunities to enjoy the outdoors safely. These will include wearing face masks, washing hands and social distancing. Things we are all familiar…

Buying a Home Sight Unseen

  Instead of focusing on current real estate news this week, we looked back a ways, and found an article that could prove very helpful if you are moving forward with your plan to buy a home this year. There are often times buyers cannot visit a home, especially now when sellers may not be…

Going on a Virtual House Hunt

  Your plan had been to buy a house this year. You saved and planned, and maybe even started your search. Then everything changed in the blink of an eye. Now in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, you are wondering if you should put your plans on hold or continue your search. has…