Look Ahead: Housing Market in 2021

  As 2020 comes to a close, we are all hopeful for brighter days ahead. Many who’ve been considering buying or selling a home are wondering what to expect in 2021 from the housing marking. While nothing is set in stone and many things are still unpredictable as I type, a recent realtor.com post looked at…


Seller Confidence Equals Bright Spark For Buyers

  Citing several sources, Keeping Current Matters recent blog post highlights seller confidence in the current real estate market. The post notes, “…we’re seeing sellers slowly starting to come back into the market, a bright spark for potential buyers.” Housing market inventory has remained low compared to the number of buyers seeking to purchase a…

house buy

Housing Market Brings Hope

  Stay-at-home orders are being lifted, and we are all ready to see the economy rebound. While this will take time as we all navigate the new normal, it will happen; and the housing market seems poised to play a key role. Keeping Current Matters (KCM) has posted several recent blogs citing economists that tout…

Spring Market for the Touchdown

  Every year, news stories focusing on the housing market seem to move spring earlier and earlier. For the past few years, articles have discussed the spring market kicking off as the Superbowl is wrapping up and Punxsutawney Phil is declaring how much more winter we’ll endure. 2020 has been a bit different. Many believe…

Spring’s Supply and Demand

We are all ready for warmer weather, right? However, the days with temperatures over 40 have been scarce. That’s an easy way to look at supply and demand. In this case you end up with a lot of cold, unhappy New Englanders. When supply does not equal demand in real estate, you end up with a…

Packaging & Pricing Your Home to Sell

  We’ve all checked our homes estimated value on Zillow or realtor.com. Each site calculates this amount differently and for those of you thinking of listing your home this year, you may be wondering, “What is my home really worth?” Any Realtor® will tell you to take online estimates with a grain of salt. Pricing…